
Ayo is delighted to share she is working with the BKS agency on her first book titled ‘OTHERED: How to Thrive & Disrupt in Spaces Not Created for You’. More information here.

’In the past, I have felt like I was in the wrong demographic and often did not show up in the world the way others thought I should. I was too young, too happy, too female, too neurodiverse, too smart, too naïve, too black, too white and too much. Simultaneously too much and too little. Growing up in spaces where I was or felt ‘othered’ was a huge part of my formative experience. But it was also coupled with the thirst to learn, grow, and ingest enough knowledge to make sense of patterns around me. So I have been inadvertently writing this book since my pre-teens, as I find my way to traverse these spaces and also prioritize my wellbeing. Our environment primes us for how we behave. And if you are othered, you are facing a colonel, capitalist, patriarchal priming which sets you up for failure unless you conform. And conforming or not confirming can come at great cost’. (Ayo Sokale)
Ayo walks her ‘othered’ kindred spirits through 6 paradigms she uses to explore norms of personal growth. She invites the reader to consider what it means to be authentic, how to create safety and self acceptance, how to question and challenge – does this support me, or does it serve the system?

The result is a fiercely intelligent and compassionate user manual to navigating life’s complexities. The reader comes away with a compass for internal wellbeing and a roadmap for thriving as a disruptor of systems.

Ayo is featured in Dr Shini Somara new kid’s book – Engineers Make A Difference (Published March 2023)

Ayo will be featured in Daniel Tammat‘s latest book for publication in 2024.